The ETPO Group has its own engineering department dedicated to civil engineering works. The team of engineers works on structural studies, designs special structures and temporary structures as well as construction methods.
With the latest tools at their disposal for calculations (PYTHAGORE from SETEC, RSA from Autodesk) and data management (VAULT), the engineering departmentalso works with :
- Autocad, REVIT Structure Suite and INVENTOR from Autodesk for drafting
- KREA from Terrasol, RIDO from Robert Pages for support structures
Geotchnical engineering
In Canada, our deep foundations are sized by our engineering team which is a member of the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ, Quebec Order of Engineers).
Our fleet includes about twenty 18 to 250-ton crawler cranes. We also have several rubber-tired cranes, loaders, and various types of lifting equipment.
Specific equipment
We design and manufacture the temporary structures necessary to meet the specific needs of our worksites.
Equipment for deep foundations
A dozen cranes, 3 boring machines, mini boring machines, several loaders and other lifting equipment in our Quebecois fleet. In France and Africa we have about twenty crawler cranes (18 to 250-tonne capacity) fitted with specific pile driving and vibropiling equipment.
Our equipment is available for rental
Contact us for all of your equipment rental needs
Construction, Coastal and river engineering, Underwater works, Civil engineering works