Coastal & river engineering
Underwater works

Coastal and river works are the historic activity of the Group. Our floating and driving equipment is vital for executing major port infrastructures quays, ports, mooring dolphins, etc. We adapt and develop our equipment for certain coastal works on pontoons or self-elevating platforms. 

We develop (locks, drams, quays), reinforce (embankment improvement) and protect French riverbanks.

Our subsidiary TETIS, specialized in underwter works, provides services to meet the Group’s needs in diagnostics, installation of outfalls, refloating, wreckage destruction, etc.

References Our sites
travaux-maritime-fluviaux-travaux-sous-marins-port-de-st-nazaire travaux-maritime-fluviaux-travaux-sous-marins-rehabilitation-quai-port-st-malo-01 travaux-maritime-fluviaux-travaux-sous-marins-clients01 travaux-maritime-fluviaux-travaux-sous-marins-port-roulier travaux-maritime-fluviaux-travaux-sous-marins-honfleur-DAC-01 travaux-maritime-fluviaux-travaux-sous-marins-appontement-lafarge travaux-maritime-fluviaux-travaux-sous-marins-Mise-en-conformite-echelle-quai travaux-maritime-fluviaux-travaux-sous-marins-port-minime-la-rochelle travaux-maritime-fluviaux-travaux-sous-marins-honfleur-DAC-02 travaux-maritime-fluviaux-travaux-sous-marins-reconstruction-poste-H travaux-maritime-fluviaux-travaux-sous-marins-coffre-amarrage-port-st-malo-presentation

Offers and solutions

In addition to our employees and equipment, our strength in our historic field of expertise comes from the range of our construction methods.

From design to construction, by way of financing, the ETPO Group offers solutions adapted to your functional, budgetary and operating constraints.

  • River works
  • Improvement and development of embankments
  • Underwater / Diver works
  • Renewable marine energy sources (EMR)
  • Solutions for reinforcing and restoring marine or river infrastructures (diagnostics ans sizing, methods, execution)
  • Specialized interventions

Our customers

For over 100 years we have been recognized by major public project owners for our marine infrastructures. Our investments and the growth of the Group in this sector allow us to work on all marine projects in mainland France and in the overseas French territories.

We answer to the diversity of marine infrastructures in our country and to the specific constraints of each customer. Our teams are continuously trained to keep up with ever-changing equipment, techniques and regulations. Over the past few years, we have been exporting this know-how to the African and Canadian coastlines.

  • Large sea ports
  • National and local governments
  • Private corporations (TOTAL, EDF, CIM, Naval Group, GDF SUEZ, etc.)
  • French waterways
References Our sites

Our Business Areas

Large sea ports and more specifically the petrochemical and agri-food industries, as well as the traditional and nuclear energy sectors represent our main markets for port infrastructure construction projects.

Our employees are well-versed in our quality process and zero accident policy for these demanding industries when it comes to QSH&E. Several of them are certified (MASE, OHSAS 18001, ISO 9001) or trained for specific customers.  

We actively work in the marine transport (freight and passenger transport) and port activity markets (recreational harbors, fishing ports) in France and abroad.

We approach new markets undergoing expansion (renewable marine energy sources, new recreational harbors) and rise to meet these challenges through innovative methods and equipment and by constantly adapting our material and human resources.


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